Young Gangsters Steal 🔫Guns from 👮Cops for City Robberies

The rising number of youths, including teenagers, in Nairobi criminal gangs, and their resilience despite police killings, has puzzled residents and police alike. Traditionally, criminal gangs use weapons acquired illicitly through underworld deals for robberies targeted at civilians in most cases, and business premises occasionally.

But of late, hardcore criminals are turning to robbing police officers of their guns. And many officers are losing lives and weapons in hands of these daring robbers, mainly in Kayole and other Eastlands areas, which has also raised the extrajudicial killings of criminals by police. The trend has put into question the National Police Service’s ability to tame the tide.

But Nairobi police commander Japhet Koome denies police are losing the war on crime. “As the NPS, we have the responsibility of protecting Kenyans and we will do that at any cost but within the provisions of the law,” Koome said. He said the NPS is doing very well in investigating, arresting and taking suspected criminals to courts, and the whole criminal justice system has no issues.
